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About the Author

Grace Dola Balogun

I have been serving all the churches denominations since 1988 as a prayer advisor, prayer monitor, praying for anyone that asks for prayer voluntarily. I strongly believed in the power of prayer. Sometimes people ask for prayer for their pets and God answer that prayer. As a prayer warrior I pray about any problems and pray without season until the answer to prayer comes and until the particular problem is solves. If it is according to the will of God the prayer answered right away, if it is not according to the will of God, God always open another door that is good for the person.

Grace Dola Balogun Graduated from Fordham University Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education with an MA in Religion and Religious Education. She has been a private prayer advisor, mentor and partner for many Christians of all denominations. She is also the author of Prayer the source of Srerngth for Life, published in English and Spanish. Visit her online at, Twitter @prayersource, Facebook prayer the Source of strength for Life.

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The Spirit’s activity in humanity creates a new relationship with God which is best expressed as union with Christ. It is in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit that believers are sure through the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, of the love of God. This is the expositions of the Spirit’s action in the life of the believer and the believing community. The Spirit’s operations gave rise to new spiritual gifts springs out and situated by the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the life-giving principle distributed throughout the body of Christ on earth. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that the believer makes his response to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. It is through the Spirit that man comes to newness of life, and is made a new man, and a new creation. Christian who is truly in Christ is no longer in the flesh, but in the Spirit; because of the indwelling of the Spirit of God. To be made a man in Christ is to be made new through the Spirit. New life from God is in Christ and in the Spirit, and the believer is indwelt by both as is the Church.

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