Welcome to the International Board of Medicine and Surgery (IBMS) , where we certify and verify healthcare professionals worldwide.
In 2002, the International Board of Medicine and Surgery (IBMS) became a Global certifying organization with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
IBMS is the Gold standard for healthcare excellence. IBMS Certified physicians, surgeons, and dentists are the personification of professional integrity and are advocates for patient safety.
IBMS registered members are HealthCare Professionals comprised physicians, surgeons, dentists, and other wellness professionals. IBMS Certified Members have established and maintained professional standards of care, and attained our international physician certification and/or healthcare quality certification.
IBMS Certified Facilities are hospitals, and healthcare organiztions that provide ambulatory and office-based surgery, behavioral health, home health care, laboratory and nursing care center services that have met our rigorous standards.
Because the quality of medical care can vary, IBMS exists to assist the global community in making informed choices for healthcare needs.
To learn more about IBMS certified membership, current members, international medical certifications, healthcare certifications, international doctor certification, international dentist certification, international medical tourism, healthcare travel services, affiliated healthcare travel associates, medical industry professionals, professional associations, and other important information, please click on the appropriate links.